Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Don't Ask,Don't Tell

An article from NPR details the plight of a young U.S. soldier, Anthony Woods who was eventually fired under the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy of the U.S. Military. This is infuriating. This young man, and many people like him, devote their entire lives to serving this country. For Anthony, it was the only thing he ever imagined doing. When I think about this individual's dreams being destroyed over plain and simple discrimination it makes my heart break. Haven't we already fought this fight in other forms such as women's rights and minority rights? When will we realize that we are just repeating our mistakes...or, at least, showing that this country is completely hypocritical when it comes to an individual's rights as a human being? How is discrimination against homosexuals any different from discrimination against African Americans? It is an innate trait that can not be helped just like the color of one's skin. I do understand the argument that DADT provides for a certain amount of protection for homosexuals in the military and supports cohesiveness, but to completely strip someone of their benefits due to their sexual orientation is not the America I want to identify with. I would like to here some of your opinions on this.

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