Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Healthier Schools

An editorial in The New York Times discusses the reform of school lunches. The Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act has already been approved in Senate which provides more money to schools and sets higher standards for the food served to American children. The issue that the author is addressing is the bill that is currently stuck in the House that would provide even more money to American schools and initiate even more changes to the diets of students. The problem with the House bill is that time is running out. A move needs to be made soon in order to set it in motion. The author of this editorial believes that the chief sponsor of the House bill should make a compromise and settle for the Senate bill, at least for the time being. I completely agree with this stance. I think even a little bit of change is a step in the right direction and should be readily embraced. Childhood obesity is on the rise and has been for quite a while. While our government can't control the quality of diet that a child's parents give them they can definitely control the diet that they provide for them while they are attending school...and should. The Senate passed the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act on August 5, 2010. It now will move to be voted on in the House.

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